Hi! Thanks for visiting.
I'm Beth, a WildEarth traveler on land & sea.
More than anything, I love being out in the natural world & feeling connected to it.
Like me, you may feel overwhelmed and disconnected from that feeling.
I firmly believe that we, as human beings, are part of the web of life and that our psyches are not isolated or separate from our environment. We are connected to and impacted by the natural world.
But all the busyness of life & insanity in the world has removed us from that integral web - and that disconnect is part of what makes us so crazy!
Adding to that is the concern about where our planet is headed in the face of such great odds.
Let's discover ways to reconnect to help ourselves feel grounded, to find that attachment that seems elusive.
Join me on a journey to meet people who are optimistic as they work to protect our world.
Come with me on this mission as we reconnect our human spirit to the natural world.