Our mission is to cultivate connections between the human spirit and the natural world through stories of science, exploration, inspiration, and actions empowering people to stand up in stewardship for our Wild Earth.

My heart is weary...yet I'm pretty sure the endless optimist is still inside me.

The world is changing in ways that seem to overwhelm us in their magnitude. Our daily lives are busy & stressful.  Incessant noise about the many perils facing our planet bombards us from all forms of media, creating deep concern for our world.

I feel restless & anxious, sad & angry. I feel grief-stricken for the natural world & what's happening to the land & sea. 

 Many people tell me they feel the same way.  It's wearing them down.

How can anyone can feel optimistic or hopeful with so many challenges facing the habitats & systems that sustain not only our species but also the myriad life forms with whom we share this extraordinary blue & green sphere?

All my life, I've valued the time I spend "in Nature.” But now I feel the need to undertake a journey to reconnect my battered spirit to the natural world. 

To do that, Wild Earth Visions seeks stories to share about people who are nurturing our world, our connection and stewardship to it, and to share those stories, while amplifying those voices, so others may join in and help heal our world, too.

Let’s ensure that traditional knowledge and voices are recognized, incorporated, and uplifted.

Let’s explore, and rejoice in, the wonder of life on our planet.

Let’s illuminate that optimism, which is still very much alive in our world.  

Let’s find it. Let’s connect to it. Let’s heal from it.

Let’s find both the steadfast courage we need to face a quickly-changing future, and the determination to do the next right thing.

Join me as we meet people who engage, with intention, in making a difference.

We’ll see how the contribution each of us makes to the healing of the world is the gift of active hope that revives that oh, so important sense of purpose and peace we’re seeking.

And let’s amplify and uplift those voices to empower others to spread the optimism and action to help our world.

Explore * Protect * Inspire * Connect

Join me to EXPLORE joyful & awe-inspiring things about the planet in short WildEarth Wonders videos:

Click here to meet nature's stewards who PROTECT our world.

Click here to encounter creatives who use their art to INSPIRE us through their work.

Click here to watch WildEarthWonders, and see the beauty that surrounds us.

Together, these WildEarthVisions will CONNECT our human spirits to our natural world.

Let’s engage in Active Hope & reconnection together!



People are connected to and impacted by the natural environment. We are all integrally entwined with the natural world, but our busy, crazy lives help disconnect us and create discord in our spirit. Find inspiration as we hear how people reconnect their spirits to our WildEarth.



We are part of this amazing web of life we call Earth. We cannot separate ourselves from Nature.  From plankton to polar bears  I'm endlessly fascinated by the astonishing life forms and landscapes that make up our planet. Come explore these WildEarth wonders!



For many of us, wondering what we can do to help our planet seems overwhelming. But many people are working to help protect our world and they are optimistic about their endeavors. Meet these sparks of wild hope who explore, protect, inspire, and connect us to our WildEarth.